
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Weekend Recap!

I had such a great weekend.  The hubster was out of town in California for a work event, and I had an event on Saturday night, so I invited my mom to come stay with me for the weekend.

She came up Friday night and brought us Chick-Fil-A salads for dinner…I had the Asian and Mom had the Cobb (if you haven’t tried the new salads they have, I highly recommend them!)

Saturday morning I woke up at around 7:15 to get a one mile run in.  After I finished I showered and we went out to run some errands.  First on the list was breakfast.  I’ve turned my mom onto BB’s bagels, an amazing local NY bagel place.  I know most of the time bagel places that advertise NY bagels aren’t as good as the real thing, but trust me…these are amazing.  They make their own cream cheeses and bagels fresh every day.  The owners are from New York/New Jersey and really take pride in their restaurant.  Their food is really good, too!

We ran a few more errands, then went back home to change, grab our clothes, and head to Rock Eagle 4-H Center for the Master 4-H banquet.  Last year I was asked by the former Georgia 4-H state leader if I would serve on the board, and I agreed.  This is our yearly banquet to recognize new Master 4-H’ers and visit with old friends.  I was so excited to see some friends that I hadn’t seen in a LONG time!

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We drove around a bit when we got to Rock Eagle as it had been a few years since we’d been there.  I had a board meeting so Mom did some exploring on her own.  After the meeting I changed into my banquet attire, helped out with sign-ins, and headed inside.  Dinner was tasty, and the banquet went well.  I led the 4-H pledge at the end and then visited with some friends.

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             Summer Camp Counselor friends                                2012-2013 Master 4-H Board

Georgia 4-H has a phenomenal performing arts group called Clovers & Company.  Each year they hold auditions and travel all over the United States performing at events.  We headed to the auditorium to watch the show and I saw another old camp counselor friend!

master6The show was amazing, and I sat in the lobby and chatted with A for awhile.  Once the show was over, we looked for some other friends.  As I headed toward the stage, I was so surprised and excited to see two more friends, T and K!



It was sooooo good to see all these old 4-H friends!

We finally headed home and got back to my house at around midnight.  I was exhausted and went to bed.

Sunday morning I was supposed to do a 5 mile run, but sleeping until 10 won.  Then Mom and I spent 6 hours shopping.  We got home in time to make dinner and clean up before she headed home.  We had a great time together and I hope we can do it more often.

Tonight I got a 3 mile run in.  I’ve started increasing my run/walk to 1:30/1:00.  While I did have to take a couple of walk breaks during the run interval, I was overall pleased with my time as I took off 2 minutes from my last 3 mile time.  I can only go up from here, right? :)

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I am LOVING heading to the freezer and grabbing a PowerICE after my runs this summer.  It gets so hot and humid in Georgia that these are a great treat!  Tonight was also the first time I wore my BAMRband, and I love it!  It stayed put the entire time, and it’s super cute.  I am digging chevron prints right now.

Today I’m gonna take Guinness for a nice walk after work, run another 3 miles on Thursday and meet some friends for dinner, and get back on track with my back to back running this weekend.

Were you involved in 4-H growing up?  What’s your favorite post-run treat?

Until next time,

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  1. Great job on your run! My favorite post-run treat is usually just my favorite type of Gatorade.

  2. Sounds like a great weekend! Congrats on shaving time, I love being able to see improvement!!!


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