
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Disneyland Half Marathon weekend information! LOTS of info has surfaced in the past two days about the Disneyland half marathon weekend, and I must say, all the buzz about it on Facebook and Twitter is making it very hard to concentrate today!!
Here's what we know so far - the course maps have been posted!

Half Marathon course
5k and 10k course

Can I just say I'm so excited to run inside Angels Stadium? (Even though I'm a Braves fan)

The corrals have also been posted -

Dumbo corrals
Half Marathon only corrals
10k only corrals

I'll be in Corral D!  If you're in that corral as well please join in on the fun!  I'll reveal my costume a week or so before the race so you know what to look for.

Waivers and Authorization forms are up, just in case you need someone to pick up your bib for you.  I'll be helping out my roommates with this task while they enjoy all that Los Angeles has to offer them!

Print Your Waiver

And finally - runner tracking is now active so that your friends and family back home can see how you're doing during the races!

Runner Tracking

I was reading through the final race instructions for the Dumbo Double Dare as I was concerned how they would verify that you completed both races of the challenge, and luckily it was explained here.  A few months back in one of the Facebook groups I'm a member of, someone was talking about how they would register for a challenge and skip the first race, complete the second and still get their challenge medal.  This infuriated me...I'm training hard to complete this challenge and I know there are so many people out there who actually want to run both races, and to have someone half ass it and expect their challenge medal rubbed me the wrong way.

If you are completing the Dumbo Challenge, you will receive one bib to wear for both races.  Once you complete the 10k, you will receive a wristband.  After completing the half marathon the next day, you will trade your wristband in for the Dumbo Challenge medal.  I was really relieved to read this and wonder if they have always done it this way for Goofy's Challenge or if it was something new. 

You can find the race program, virtual goodie bag, final race instructions, and tons of other information on runDisney's website.

I am so incredibly excited and really hope to meet some of you there!

Until next time,


Weekly Workout - July 22-28

Gah...I have been a horrible blogger lately, and for that I apologize.  I need to make it a point to carve out an hour or so to sit down and write out my blogs. 

Last week I got my back-to-back runs in on the weekend.  Saturday I did 2 miles with Guinness.  They were slow as I'm still working with him on running, but we did okay.

Sunday I got up early to try and beat the heat.  I parked at Fowler Park and ran toward the trailhead so that I would have a place to stop, refill my water, use the restroom, before heading back to finish the rest of my run.  I tried Sharkies for the first time as my fuel - have to say I wasn't a fan of them.  They were super chewy and took me a few minutes to eat them. (I do love my Handana though!)

The second half of the run my legs started to feel really heavy.  I walked more than I wanted to, but it was getting warmer and the humidity was rising as well.  There were so many friendly runners along the path, waving, saying "Good morning" - it was really nice to be out there with other runners of all range of experience.

I was pretty pleased with my time.  When I did my 7 mile run a couple of weeks ago, I "think" it took me about 2 hours (since my watch died during the run I guestimated based on what time I started and what time I finished), so being able to add 1.5 miles in the same amount of time was a nice surprise.

In the past I have had issues with not fueling my body properly before long runs and have had a horrible time recovering, but I think I've finally kicked that bad habit!  Before my run, I tried out a Snickers marathon protein bar.  It was really good and even kind of tasted like a Snickers bar.  After my run, I enjoyed peanut butter and jelly on a slice of bread with some water.  Besides being a little sore, I felt good after my run!

At some point during my run, my compression shorts got a hole in the inseam, so my exposed skin got a bit chafed - boo!  I've had the shorts for close to a year and I've definitely gotten my money out of them, but man, chafing hurts!!  Especially on the inner thigh.  Off to buy some new shorts this week!

I PROMISE to get some blog posts up this week, complete with some reviews and a giveaway!

I hope everyone's training is going fellow Dumbo runners - just 30 days away!  I can't wait to meet some of you!

Until next time,


Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Weekly Workouts

So....about that....

We have been having a lot of rain lately - usually in the evenings - and since I work during the day I can only run at night (I'm not a morning person).  And last weekend I had some 4-H obligations to meet and was gone almost all weekend.  So...needless to runs did not happen.

Shame on me...I know....

This week I WILL get back on track.  Dumbo is just 5 short weeks away (eek!!) so I need to get on the ball.

I have a couple of shorter runs scheduled and then an 8.5 mile run this weekend.  I think it's time to break out the new Brooks and give them a shot.

Have you had days/weeks where your schedule or the weather didn't allow you time to run? 

Until next time,


Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Huge Summer Savings from PRO Compression

By now I think you all know how much I love my compression socks and sleeves both during my runs and afterward for recovery

PC socks PC sleeves

Well one of my favorite companies, PRO Compression, is having an amazing summer sale going on right now!

You can get 40% off ALL merchandise at, including their brand NEW Neon Calf Sleeves and Team PC Gear such as hats and running visors!

Here’s their fun new “Retro” Marathon sock!

Simply enter coupon code JULY at checkout. You'll save 40% and get free US shipping. Click here to stock up today:

PRO Compression not only has great products, but excellent customer service.  They ship their products fast and will do what they can to accommodate you.  I ordered a pair of compression socks and wanted them before I left for Hawai’i, and they made sure that I received them.  You can’t beat that!

But you better hurry!  The coupon JULY expires on August 4, 2013.

Until next time,

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Monday, July 15, 2013

Weekly Workouts – July 8-14

So I have realized that I’m doing a horrible job at recording and sharing my weekly workouts with you guys, so I’m going to start posting them here on Sundays.  Dumbo Double Dare training is in full swing!

Monday – rest

Tuesday – rest

Wednesday – 1.5 miles

Thursday – rest

Friday – rest

Saturday – 2 mile run + 1 mile walk with Guinness

Sunday – 7 mile run

I realize that there are WAY too many rest days in there…I really need to add some cross training to my routine.  I don’t have a gym membership so I need to find things to do on my own.  Very open to any suggestions!

My workouts that I did do went okay.  I originally had planned on 3 miles for Wednesday, but something didn’t feel right in my left hamstring/ankle area, so I cut it short.  Saturday and Sunday it was fine, so I think it had to do with not stretching it out well enough before my run. 

Saturday I did 2 miles around the neighborhood and then decided to take Guinness for a quick walk.  Still trying to get him used to the Gentle Leader collar so he can eventually become my running buddy.

Today’s run went well.  I’m not the biggest fan of peanut butter, but I know it’s a good fuel to eat before a run, so I had a slice of bread with PB and headed out for my run in my new SLS Compression socks (review coming soon!)

SLS socks

I waited a little too late into the morning as it got pretty humid.  It sprinkled rain a couple of times but never anything heavy or long (which just made the humidity worse).  The run was going good…up until this happened -

dead garmin

I totally forgot to charge my Garmin and the battery died.  It happened right after mile 4 but I knew I would get my 7 miles in since I had already passed the halfway mark.  I chatted with a lady who was walking her dog about running and then went off on my way.  I’m not entirely sure how long it took me, but I know it was longer than I would have liked.  But..I finished!

7 miler

Love my Sweaty Band!  It stayed put throughout the whole run and didn’t move an inch!

This week I think I’ll break out the new Brooks and test them out.  :)

Hope everyone had a great weekend…it’s back to the grind tomorrow!

What are your favorite cross training exercises?  Any you would recommend to do at home?

Until next time,

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Saturday, July 13, 2013

The ABC’s of Me!

So one of my local running friends, Julie, over at Run, Walk, Fastpass, Repeat, did a little ABC of me and tagged me in hers, so I guess it’s my turn!  Don’t worry…it’ll be some easy reading for you during your relaxing weekend :)

A.  Attached or Single: Been attached for almost 8 years!

B.  Best friend: I have a few :)

C.  Cake or Pie: love both, but absolutely love cupcakes!

D. Day of the week: Sundays because we usually don’t have anything going on and can just relax and be lazy

E.  Essential item: my phone :P

F.  Favorite color: love the color red

G.  Gummy bears or worms: bears!

H.  Hometown: a small town south of Atlanta where our grocery store is a Piggly Wiggly and we’re 20 minutes away from a Wal-Mart

I.  Favorite indulgence: anything sweet

J.  January or July: July…Peachtree Road Race, Braves games, nice weather

K.  Kids? just our furbaby, Guinness!
L.  Life isn’t complete without: happiness

M.  Marriage date: April 25th, 2009

(Photo by David & Jess Photography)

N.  Number of brothers/sisters: 2 younger brothers…both of whom are taller than me!

O.  Oranges or apples: oranges

P.  Phobias? I will admit that death scares the hell out of me…also a bit afraid of the ocean

Q.  Favorite quote: “Wheresoever you go, go will all of your heart”

R.  Reason to smile: the wonderful people I have in my life

S.  Season of choice: fall…awesome weather and football season starts!

T.  Tag 5 people: Karen at Love to Run, Meg at Runaway Royalty, Ramona at In the Life of a Runner, Lena at The Beginners Runner, and Brandi at Girl on the Run (you should check out all these bloggers…they’re awesome!)

U.  Unknown fact about me: hmm…I was the first girl at my high school to play on the baseball team :_)

V.  Favorite vegetable: it’s hard for me to pick just one because I love just about all vegetables!  There are a few I don’t care for

W.  Worst habit: biting my nails

X.  X-ray or ultrasound: x-ray…an ultrasound would mean there’s a bun in the oven and I’m not quite ready for that yet

Y.  Your favorite food: loving sushi right now

Z.  Zodiac sign: Scorpio

There you have it!  Feel free to do one of your own if you like…if not..don’t worry…it won’t hurt my feelings.

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!

Until next time,

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Friday, July 12, 2013

Foodie Friday – Spaghetti Squash w/Meat Sauce

Earlier this week while perusing the produce section of my local grocery store, I saw a spaghetti squash and decided that since we hadn’t had it in awhile, it would be a quick and tasty meal to prepare for dinner. 

I tried a different way of cooking the spaghetti squash this time – one that doesn’t take quite as long as it does in the oven (up to 1 hour).  You can cut it and cook it in the microwave and it turns out just as tasty!


Spaghetti squash are not the easiest vegetable to cut, as you can see by my cutlery skills in the picture above.  :)  I put a little bit of water in the bottom of the plate just to help keep the squash from drying out.  I also salted and peppered the inner part of the squash before cooking it.  Don’t forget to scoop out the seeds!  An ice cream scoop or large spoon works great.  I cooked mine on high in 5 minute increments.  After each 5 minutes I tested with a knife – when the knife pierced the outside of the squash with ease, I knew it was done (it took mine about 15 minutes.

In the meantime, cook your meat.  I had 93% ground beef, but you could easily use ground chicken, turkey, or sausage.  I seasoned the meat with some salt, pepper, oregano, garlic powder, and a little Worcheshire sauce.


Once the meat has been browned, add your sauce.  Hubby was disappointed that I didn’t make my own marinara sauce this go round, so maybe next time.  This time I used a bottled sauce.


I added a little more oregano and garlic powder to the sauce to give it a little more flavor and let it simmer while I finished up the spaghetti squash.

Once the squash has cooked, let it cool a little – it will be too hot to handle!  Take a fork and scrape the insides – it comes out like spaghetti noodles!


Transfer the squash into a bowl and spoon the meat sauce over it.  Add a little parmesan cheese to it if you like, and enjoy!


Have a great weekend everyone!

What’s your favorite quick meal?

Until next time,

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Thursday, July 11, 2013

Peachtree Road Race Expo & Race Recap

I had been looking forward to this race for so long!!  Finally…the time had come.

First stop…the expo!

prr1 prr2

Packet pick up was a breeze.  The expo wasn’t as crowded as I thought it might be (thankfully) on Tuesday night.  After picking up mine and my brother’s numbers, I headed for the runDisney booth…you know I had to check out the Disneyland medals in person!

prr4 prr3

I then headed over to Jeff Galloway’s booth to meet a fellow #TeamrunDisney member, Marcia.  We chatted a bit about the 26.2 with Donna races and then Patrick came over.  Marcia was working so Patrick and I walked around the expo.  We stopped by to check out the finalists for the finishers shirt


We did a little shopping and then met back up with Marcia to head to Gladys Knight and Ron’s Chicken and Waffles for dinner with Jill and her family!

prr8 prr9

prr36                                                           (Photo courtesy of Jill) 

I was so excited to get my number!!


Wednesday night I did my typical race tradition and laid out my clothes for the next morning.  I also wrote a cheesy poem about the race since we had rain in the forecast (You can check out that post here)

prr12 prr11

My brother came and spent the night with us so we could go to the race together.  After a 5:30 wake up call we were on our way to MARTA.

I must say that this was one of the most pleasant large event MARTA experiences that I have ever had.  No one was pushing or shoving and everyone was so patient.  The police were letting us go in waves as to not congest the turnstiles up.  As we were walking to the start we saw the first wave of runners run by.

Sorry it’s blurry…they were fast!

Chris and I walked to our waves…he was in P and I was in M =

We wished each other luck and went our separate ways.  Brandi decided to run with me since I had a goofy idea the night before and she wanted to join in on the fun -

           (Photo courtesy of Brandi)

TEAM DUCK!!  Since rain was in the forecast we wanted to be prepared to float to the finish if we needed to.  :)

As we were standing in our wave, Brandi spotted Julie, a fellow ATLrunsDisney member!

                             (Photo courtesy of Julie)

The Peachtree Road Race is the world’s largest 10k with over 60,000 participants!  There were 21 waves of runners, and it took 1 hour, 40 minutes for everyone to cross the start line.  So you can imagine we had a nice little wait.  Finally we made our way to the start line and were off!  We had an absolute blast along the course.  We spent a lot of time dancing, chatting, and high fiving the spectators.  The miles went by so fast!


As we were running lots of people had microphones and loudspeakers and were pointing out some of the runners along the course.  We stood out with the ducks so we got called out a lot.  At one point we heard our names – it was Jill, Katie, and Jason!

                           (Photo courtesy of Jill)

Best.Race photo.EVER!


These guys were giving out leis and we scored one for us and one for our ducks! (I apologize for the fuzziness of some of the pictures…my phone was in a waterproof bag just in case of rain)

I snagged a piece of watermelon.  I normally don’t like it, but it tasted good after running!


These girls had some great signs, so we stopped and took pictures with them :)


About a mile or so from the finish, we saw a guy with an awesome sign showing that Atlanta supports Boston.  We took a picture of him and then had our picture made with him.


We passed the “fake finish” line (photographers were overhead in cherry pickers taking our pictures) and the real finish like wasn’t too far after.  I did it!  I completed my first Peachtree Road Race!

We were directed into Piedmont Park where we received the coveted finishers shirt.  We searched for one of my friends but didn’t see them, then headed up to the Atlanta Track Club’s tent where we got an aluminum water bottle, magnet, and some food and water.  We met up with Brandi’s parents (her mom PR’ed!) then went back down to search for Ramona.  By now it had started to rain a bit, but we were thankful it didn’t rain while we were running!

We got our finisher picture taken -


And Brandi brought her medal with her so we took more pictures :)


We parted ways and Ramona and I headed to the MARTA station.  They did a great job of directing people onto trains and not jamming us in!  When I got back to my car I opted to change shoes…go figure…they didn’t get wet until AFTER the race in the mud hole that Piedmont Park had turned into!  Glad I wore my old shoes

That evening some of us got together at Jill’s house for a cookout and to visit with each other.  It was a nice #TeamrunDisney meet up!  We all met Christine, who came down from Virginia to run the race.  Looking forward to seeing her and Katie again at Disneyland for the Dumbo Double Dare!


I had an amazing 4th of July and absolutely cannot wait to run this race again next year!  I highly recommend it to anyone!

And I leave you with the finishers shirt and commemorative medal (this was the first year they offered a medal – you had to purchase it and received it at the expo – it is not a finishers medal…that’s what the shirt is)

Did you do a run on the 4th?  Have you ever run the Peachtree Road Race?

Until next time,

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