
Monday, July 15, 2013

Weekly Workouts – July 8-14

So I have realized that I’m doing a horrible job at recording and sharing my weekly workouts with you guys, so I’m going to start posting them here on Sundays.  Dumbo Double Dare training is in full swing!

Monday – rest

Tuesday – rest

Wednesday – 1.5 miles

Thursday – rest

Friday – rest

Saturday – 2 mile run + 1 mile walk with Guinness

Sunday – 7 mile run

I realize that there are WAY too many rest days in there…I really need to add some cross training to my routine.  I don’t have a gym membership so I need to find things to do on my own.  Very open to any suggestions!

My workouts that I did do went okay.  I originally had planned on 3 miles for Wednesday, but something didn’t feel right in my left hamstring/ankle area, so I cut it short.  Saturday and Sunday it was fine, so I think it had to do with not stretching it out well enough before my run. 

Saturday I did 2 miles around the neighborhood and then decided to take Guinness for a quick walk.  Still trying to get him used to the Gentle Leader collar so he can eventually become my running buddy.

Today’s run went well.  I’m not the biggest fan of peanut butter, but I know it’s a good fuel to eat before a run, so I had a slice of bread with PB and headed out for my run in my new SLS Compression socks (review coming soon!)

SLS socks

I waited a little too late into the morning as it got pretty humid.  It sprinkled rain a couple of times but never anything heavy or long (which just made the humidity worse).  The run was going good…up until this happened -

dead garmin

I totally forgot to charge my Garmin and the battery died.  It happened right after mile 4 but I knew I would get my 7 miles in since I had already passed the halfway mark.  I chatted with a lady who was walking her dog about running and then went off on my way.  I’m not entirely sure how long it took me, but I know it was longer than I would have liked.  But..I finished!

7 miler

Love my Sweaty Band!  It stayed put throughout the whole run and didn’t move an inch!

This week I think I’ll break out the new Brooks and test them out.  :)

Hope everyone had a great weekend…it’s back to the grind tomorrow!

What are your favorite cross training exercises?  Any you would recommend to do at home?

Until next time,

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  1. I definitely feel more accountable when I'm posting my training weekly (even if I'm the only one reading it!). Great job on the 7 miler!

    Since it's summer, can you check out local city or county owned pools and you might be able to get some laps in for very little $$. It would also be very low impact for your knees! Marcia would have some good recommendations for yoga videos.

    1. We have a pool in our community so that's definitely a possibility (if I can get up early on the weekends before the kids take over) :) Thanks for the ideas!

  2. Great job on the 7 mile sorry your Garmin died! I hate it when that happens! Love your compression socks and sweaty band! :0)

    1. Thanks! I just have to remember to charge it more frequently!


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