
Thursday, March 26, 2015

Georgia Peach Jam half recap

Since this happened a couple of weeks ago -

Georgia Peach jam 2015 reg

I figured now was as good of a time as ever to post my recap (since I didn’t quite get around to doing it last year)

When I first heard about the race, it appealed to me for three main reasons – 1) it’s where I do all of my long runs, 2) it’s about 10 minutes from my house, and 3) it’s 95% flat.  Those are good reasons, right?

On race morning, I underestimated how long it would take me to get ready and make it to Fowler Park, so i was running a bit behind.  Luckily, my BRF Brandi came to the rescue and picked up my bib and shirt for me.  Whew!  I won’t be doing that again this year.  I had enough time to run back to the car to put my shirt in, pin my bib on, and make my way to the starting line.  I saw my Sweat Pink sister, Brooke, before the race and we wished each other luck.


It was a cool, drizzly day, which was both a good and bad thing.  It was nice to keep the temperature low and the bicyclist off the greenway (they informed runners beforehand that they could not close it to the public), but quite a bit of the greenway is a wooden boardwalk, which gets slick when it’s wet.  I knew I had to be careful along the course.

Finally, it was go time.  Ramona, Brandi and myself started together but quickly broke off to run our own race.  I felt confident at the beginning but as cramps set in, that confidence slowly began to fade.  I ended up walking a lot and wanted nothing more but to finish.  It was an out and back so I saw my friends on their way back to the finish. 

I befriended a woman towards the end and we finished the race together.  It was a tough race for me but I was happy to have finished it.

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Can ya tell all three of us love our PRO Compression socks and KT Tape?  I posted this on Instagram and KT Tape reposted it.  We were famous! (At least for a day)

Once we finished, we headed over to Dutch Monkey Doughnuts to refuel.  I don’t have any pictures of our selections because we were so hungry we scarfed them down quick!  It’s always fun to unwind with my running friends after a race is over.

After our brunch, I ran over to get some steaks for dinner and had to grab an Orange Crush.  We joked that the shirt looked like the Orange Crush logo…what do you think?

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I’m looking forward to running the race again in just a few weeks, and hope that I get a good do-over!

What’s your favorite thing to do after a race?

Until next time,

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  1. Sometimes the toughest races to finish can be the most rewarding! My favorite post race treat are Ihop pancakes. It's the only time I get them!

  2. I was thinking of running this one! I just heard about it last week. I love any race that involves a visit to Dutch Monkey at the end! :) I kind of like the shirt mainly because it is so different!


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