
Tuesday, November 20, 2012

We're Going Streaking!!!

No...not Will Ferrell style in "Old School" -

Runner's World is hosting a Holiday Running Streak, From Thanksgiving to New Year's, you pledge to run each and every day.  If you're training for a race, you would run an easy mile on your off days.  Myself, along with some of my Girls Gone Sporty Ambassadors, are jumping in and joining the streak.

I feel that this "challenge" has come at a good time for me.  Lately, I have been feeling less motivated to get out and run.  I still get excited to do races, but the training runs are less than thrilling for me.  I have my first half marathon in a little less than 3 months!!  I've gotta get back into my groove, and I really feel that the Holiday Running Streak will help me do this.  So help hold me accountable!!

Last night I headed back into Big Peach Running Co - a representative from Mizuno was at the store with samples of the new Wave Rider 16s.  I had hopes of trying the shoe out, but he didn't have a sample big enough for my foot :P  They also had a haiku contest, and the best 3 won a new pair of shoes.  Guess who was one of those three??  This girl!  Here was my haiku -

I can't take all the credit though - my amazingly creative friend, Ali, came up with it.  No worries - she was rewarded for helping me win the shoes :)  I picked out these beauties - 

Hubby and I are heading up to my parents cabin tomorrow after I get off work to spend the weekend.  We'll have lunch with his family on Thanksgiving day and then back up to have dinner with my family and spend the rest of the weekend with them.  All those mountain hills are going to be fun for my Running Streak!

I'll try and get a couple of posts up over the weekend, and don't forget to enter my Bondi Band giveaway!  It ends tonight and I will announce the two winners tomorrow.

Until next time,



  1. Congrats on winning a new pair of Mizunos!

  2. good luck with the streak! ;o) heehee! and those are some GREAT kicks! enjoy them!! spa <3


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