
Friday, June 21, 2013

Dumbo Training Update

The hubster wasn't really home this week...he's had a lot of business travel, so I haven't cooked much, but Foodie Friday will be back next week!

So instead, I thought I would give you a little update on how my training for Dumbo is going.  I've been getting in at least 2 runs a week...I really should be doing more but some nights just haven't allowed for it.  I also spoke with a running friend about how my feet always start to kill me at around miles 9 and 10 when I've run in my half marathons.  Her hubby is working on becoming a coach and he believes that one reason my feet may react this way is that I'm not running enough.  So...I did a little rewriting of my training schedule and (hope) to run at least 4 times a week.

This week, we start our back to back run/walk days to get our body ready to do two races two days in a row.  A one mile walk is scheduled for tomorrow, and instead of an 8 mile run, I'm doing a 5 mile run on Sunday.  This weekend I'm also moving my run/walk intervals up from 1:00/1:00 to 1:30/1:00.  I've run at this pace before but it's been awhile, so hopefully I don't keel over from it!

Last weekend I tried on a new pair of running shoes - the Brooks Launch.  From what I can gather by doing a little research on the internet, these were a very popular neutral shoe that Brooks discontinued, but finally brought back by popular demand.

When I first got fitted for running shoes, I was back and forth between Mizuno and Brooks.  I do still love my Mizunos and will continue to wear them, but I'm hoping that the Brooks can keep my feet happy during my longer runs.  I can't wait to take them out for a test drive!

I also need to start getting serious about my costumes for Dumbo.  I know what I'm doing...I just need to put the pieces together.  I can't believe in just over 2 months I'll be in California for a fun-filled (and run-filled) weekend with some amazing people that I've met, and some that I'll be meeting for the first time!

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.  My mom is coming to stay with me tonight and go to a 4-H banquet with me tomorrow night.  I'm looking forward to some girl time with her.

Do you use a pre-written running plan or write out your own?

Until next time,



  1. I try to go off a pre-written plan but I also like to add my own stuff in there.

  2. I tend to be one to tweak pre-written plans. I went through two pairs of the Launch and really loved them but developed some ball of foot pain so I had to switch as I don't think they were given me enough cushioning in that area. More miles will definitely help with building up your feet though!

  3. For Dumbo, I took a combination of my training for last year's DL half and Galloway's Goofy training. If I may ask, what are you planning for your costume? :)

  4. I've said before and I will always say it...start with a plan but alter as needed and I am so glad you are doing that! Find what works for you, and seems like you are making super smart decisions. I love the new shoes, fabulous colors and I hope they help you feel more comfortable with more miles!

  5. I love those shoes! I hope they are good to you getting your miles in this weekend.

    I'm currently trying to finalize my Dopey training plan. I have transferred the Galloway plan to the special little planner I purchased just for Dopey training. I am using it as a guide because I don't want to *just* finish in the upright position, like the Galloway plan suggests. I am also debating a Goofy weekend Oct26/27 to help prepare me for Dopey, so I'm trying to compare different training plans to see what will best set me up for success. :)

  6. I have a prewritten plan that I set up with the help of a running friend that is a fitness coordinator. Let me know how you like those Brooks. I just started wearing Brooks Ravennas and I'm not sure yet if I love them.

  7. Dumbo will be here before we know it! Eek! I have no clue what on earth to wear...guess I need to figure that one out, soon! Yay for new shoes...hope they work out well for you! :0)

  8. I heart Brooks so much! I have no idea what I'm dressing as either, but we have time!

  9. Good luck with your new running schedule! Hope it works out for you and helps the pain in your feet to go away.


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