
Monday, June 24, 2013

Esprit de She Ambassador

About a month ago (yes…I’m a little behind) I was accepted to be an ambassador for the Esprit de She race here in Atlanta!


Esprit de She is sponsored by Athleta and Lifetime Fitness.  It’s an event for women and they have a variety of different races – 5ks and 10k, cycling, and even duathlons and triathlons!  They host a fitness inspired “happy hour” that proves to be full of fun and maybe even a little competition.

The event in Atlanta is the 5k/10k.  I haven’t decided which one I’ll be running yet…any suggestions?  The night will start off with a run, and then move into a celebration, complete with vendors, drinks, and food.  It’ll be a lot of fun! 

The price increases on July 31st, so act fast!  I would love for some of my local running gals to join me for the race!  It could be part of their taper for the runDisney Wine & Dine half marathon, don’t ya think?

To read more about the Esprit de She events and check for an event near you, check out their website here.

Until next time,

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  1. Congrats! I'm running the MN Espirt de She in Sept and can't wait!

    1. Very cool! Where in MN do you live, if you don't mind me grandparents live in Burnsville, and I have family that lives across the river from Duluth in Superior, WS :)

  2. Congrats, you are a perfect ambassador for a women's race like that! Inspiration at it's finest! I would do the 10k, they are so much less common than 5ks so I try to race them when I can! But do what YOU feel comfortable with! If I was closer to Atlanta you bet your bottom I'd be there cheering you on!

    1. Aw thank you :) I can't wait to run it...hopefully some of my local gals can come run with me :)

  3. Congratulations! I agree with Laura, you should do the 10K!

  4. Do you know when the course will be announced? I'm trying to find a race in Nov that is mostly flat to submit 10K qualifying time for Princess.

    1. I am not soon as I hear I will post and let you know :)


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