
Tuesday, August 6, 2013

PowerICE review

Disclaimer:  I received these at no cost to me from PowerICE as part of the Girls Gone Sporty ambassador program.  I was not compensated for this review.  All opinions are my own.

Here in Georgia, our summers get very hot and humid.  Big Peach Running Company has the right slogan on their shirts -
heat hills humid

When these babies came in the mail, I was so excited to try them out!  I immediately threw some in the freezer.
powerice1   powerice7 
Here’s a diagram from PowerICE’s website that tells you a little about this awesome product -


They currently have two flavors – lemon lime and orange.  Both are tasty but I’m partial to the orange flavor.  I think a fruit punch or grape flavor would be a great addition to the PowerICE family!

Often times after runs through my neighborhood, I come home and head straight to the freezer to grab one of these bad boys.  I’ve had some runs where the pure thought of ingesting a PowerICE bar when I was finished was the main thought getting me through my run!  After eating one I felt so much better after running through the heat.

powerice4 powerice5 powerice6

If a store near you doesn’t carry them don’t worry – you can order online through their website!  I highly recommend these to anyone!

Have you ever tried PowerICE?  What flavor would you like to see?

Until next time,

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  1. I have been waiting for this review after seeing your pictures! They look very refreshing.

  2. What a great idea for the summertime!! They look so yummy!

  3. Those sound awesome!!! I need some lol!

  4. Um, those look AMAZING. MUST TRY ASAP!

  5. That sounds amazing and perfect for summer training. I'd love to see a fruit punch, too!

    1. They really are...I need to restock my freezer!


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