
Monday, August 5, 2013

Weekly Training – July 29-Aug 4

I suck.

My shoes did not hit the pavement one time this week.  And for that I am ashamed.

My trip to Disneyland for Dumbo is a little over 3 weeks away, and this is what I’m doing?

I have got to get motivated.  Hubby threatened not to let me sign up for anymore races if I don’t do the training…I can’t let that happen!

This week, I vow to run  Whether it’s one mile or ten, I will do this.  And please feel free to keep me accountable by harassing me on my blog, Facebook, Twitter, text, email, smoke signal…whatever you deem easiest (I’m sure the husband will do his fair share).  I’ll keep a record of it on Instagram, too :) (If you haven’t already, please feel free to follow me on all my social media sites – there are buttons to your right for easy access!)

Speaking of Dumbo…

I started my packing list this week, and just finished a trial run of packing.  I’m so worried that I won’t have enough space, but it’s shaping out that I will!  Yay!  More room to bring stuff back in (just kidding…kind of). 
dumbo packing trial 1dumbo packing trial 2 
With the exception of a few things I should be good to go!  I’ll post my final packing list when it gets a little closer to the time I’m leaving.

I have a couple of things I still need to do for my outfits and should get those wrapped up within the next week or two.  I’ll plan to do my official review a week before the race.

Bought a new pair of compression shorts to replace the ones with the hole – they’re about half an inch shorter but that shouldn’t be a huge deal.

We FINALLY got my medal/bib display finished and hanging on the wall!  I plan to do a post entirely about my experience of completing it, as well as some product reviews and maybe even a giveaway toward the end of the week.  Stay tuned!

What did you do this weekend to stay active?

Until next time,

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  1. SO STOKED! I am almost done with my 2nd costume-outfit and need to figure out clothes for the rest of the week!

  2. Some training weeks are better than others! I'm sure this week will be great for you! What is your costume for DDD?

    1. I'll post my costumes on here a little closer to the race...they aren't quite done yet :)

  3. You're lucky you're so far away or I'd slap you for saying "I suck"....shit happens, you didn't get your runs in--it hardly means you suck...because you are actually really cool so umm... yeah no need for that! You will totally get your runs in this week!

    I can't wait to see the costume for Dumbo!

  4. If I ever get my costumes done maybe I can do a trail pack too. I DO have everything I wont be wearing until then packed. *Squee*

  5. Do I need to drive over on Thursday and make you run? lol Or you could come out to the BP Suwanee run and run with me. That will be my second run of the day so I will be taking it easy.

  6. Everyone has bad weeks, just get back out there! A thought that helps me? The more I train, the better I will feel post-race for all the fun!

    Look at you pre-packing! You shouldn't give me ideas. haha!

    1. LOL I'm not really packed...I was just making sure I would have room!

  7. There are good weeks and there are bad weeks, but don't let that get you down. Everyone has them! Can't wait to see your final packing list and looking forward to your costumes! :)

  8. Looks good... except for that Georgia visor ;)

    Yes, I agree with everyone above- you have good weeks and bad weeks. But don't dwell on the past, you don't accomplish anything. Focus on the future and all the great training runs ahead of you!

  9. I have the same 7 day goal for this week...and have $$ on the line with GymPact so I know I'll complete it! I cannot believe you're already packing, Matt wouldn't stop complaining if I had my suitcase out for so long.

    1. Haha I'm not packed...I still need some of the stuff I'm taking so it's not a packed suitcase :)

  10. DON'T STRESS!!!! I didn't run for 2 weeks before the Princess Half and did 2 miles the morning before the 5k and had a blast with a PR at the 5k!! You can do this! I think giving your body a break is just what was needed!

    1. Thanks :) I just want to get my body back to where it's used to running :P

  11. One week off won't kill your race, but don't let it go too long. Just consider it tapering early ;)!

    You're so good, I haven't even thought about packing yet. Of course, I've done this a few times so I have it down pretty well.

    Can't wait for Dumbo - it should be some great fun!

    1. I'm looking forward to it! First trip out to Disneyland so I'm extra excited

  12. Good luck with your training this week!


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