Thursday, February 21, 2013

Oh, my bags are packed...


Tomorrow morning I leave bright and early, on my way to complete the race that was the whole reason for starting up this a little over 48 hours I can officially call myself a half-marathoner!

I can't wait to see Amanda again and meet some of her running friends, as well as other bloggers and social media peeps!  I've finished packing and just need to head to bed.

Checking the weather for the weekend I stumbled across this -

Eek!  I know that it's Florida and that the weather can change from day to day, but fingers crossed we won't have to run in the rain (or at least not too terribly far).

I will be tweeting, Facebooking, and Instagraming all through the weekend, so if you don't already follow me now's as good of a time as ever to start!  I've also set up my accounts to have my splits posted as well so you can kind of follow me as I run!

It's hard to believe that the time is almost here, and while a bit of nervousness is setting in, I'm also so excited that I've finally met my goal, and that I get to share the experience with so many wonderful ladies (and my guy!)

Don't forget to enter my giveaway for a cute and comfy Sweat Pink hoodie!  It ends Sunday at midnight!

Until next time, from WDW,



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