Wednesday, April 3, 2013

April Goals

T-minus 5 months until I head to California to participate in the Inaugrual Dumbo Double Dare at Disneyland!  I am so incredibly excited about this race, but also a little nervous with how little running I have done since the Disney Princess half marathon and the Georgia Publix half marathon.

That being said, I am going to start making small, attainable goals for myself, posting them here, and then debriefing at the end of the month with how I have done. 

1.  Blog 3-4 times a week

I feel like since my races have been over I haven’t been as active of a blogger, and I want to change that.  I am going to start adding more weekly blog posts (Foodie Friday coming this week!) and since my training for the Dumbo Challenge is about to kick into full force, catching you guys up on how it’s going.

2.  Run 3x a week

As I mentioned, I want (and need) to pick up my pace and improve my time in my races.  I will make it an effort to do two short runs during the week and a longer run on the weekends.

3.  Pack mine and hubby’s lunches 2-3 times a week

We have gotten in the habit of eating out for lunch, and that adds up not only on the credit card, but on the scale.  I plan to pack healthy and tasty lunches for us to have at work instead of grabbing something fast.

4. Get up better in the mornings

If you don’t already know me, I am NOT a morning person.  I will hit the alarm until the last minute when I have just enough time to jump in the shower, throw my hair back, toss on some clothes and get out the door.  I want to have time to get ready and stop for a coffee on the way to work and not have to worry about getting into traffic or behind a slow driver.

I realize these aren’t all fitness goals, but we all have areas in our lives where we want to improve, and ultimately these will all benefit me in the end.

What are your April goals?  Do you have any favorite lunches that you like to take to work with you?

Until next time,

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  1. Great goals. I do leftovers a lot for lunch or filling salads :)

    1. Leftovers will definitely be included :)

  2. Eeekkkk! 5 months isn't far off! Guess I need to get my booty into gear as well! SO excited for Dumbo!! :0)

    1. I can't wait! Would love to meet you there :)

  3. I think those are good, manageable goals. Good luck! Also, I am ready to read about your Hawaii Trip!

  4. I love setting goals. Keeping them? Not so much!

    1. Haha hopefully these will be obtainable...i think the hardest will be the morning part! I love my sleep!

  5. These are great goals! And so relatable...I feel like I should be blogging and running on a much more regular basis. As for being a morning person, let me know if you figure it out!

  6. Good luck with your April goals Jen! Hope you are doing well with them so far.

  7. Great goals! Not sure why I didn't read these before now, but I hope you've been doing well on the lunches & wake-ups since it's now mid-month.

    How did you decide on what type of weekly blog posts you'd like to do? There are a couple topics that seem to interest me, but I don't just want to be a copycat. ;)


Your comments make me smile :)